About Our Wallpaper
Housewife Essentials is dedicated to the pursuit of couture in all forms. We’re known for our signature style; wallpapers designed to look like fabric for a statement that is low maintenance and high fashion, all at the same time.
Luxury Wallpaper Design
All our products are designed to make you feel like you're strutting down Madison Avenue with a fresh bouncy blow out and your limited-edition Boy Bag in hand, every day of the week. Founded by two sisters who love to play dress-up, Housewife Essentials embodies the needs and wants of modern women who deserve to have it all.
The Reviews Are In!
Dream House Pink Tweed
Shop Here"Dream House Pink is amazing! I am so glad we used it in my daughter's room. Her room is by far the best room in the house!" -Jodie S.
Dream House Pearl Tweed
Shop Here"STUNNING!!! Every single person walks into my house and touches my walls right away. My wallpaper is all anyone can talk about!" Rachael R.
The Remix Tweed
Shop Here"I can honestly say I have never seen anything like this wallpaper before. It is the COOLEST! I need more walls ASAP." Annalise S.
Space Grid
Shop Here"I knew I wanted the Space Grid wallpaper for my new house and every house we looked at I was already planning where it would go." Katie C.